Migatronic MIG 405 Welding Machine - 2011
- Auction:
- Tools & equipment
- Lot:
- A3-28077-4951
- Haaltert, BE
Collection by appointment
- Current bid
- Status
Activate Auto-bid
About this lot
Welding machine Migatronic MIG 405 from the year 2011 is in working condition. The machine is water-cooled.
- Auction:
- Tools & equipment
- Lot number:
- A3-28077-4951
- Location:
- Haaltert, BE
Lot specifications
- Quantity
- 1
- Margin
- Yes
- Brand
- Migatronic
- Type
- MIG 405
- Year of build
- 2011
- Serial number
- 97120041
- Mig type
- Yes
- Portable
- Yes
- Ampere range
- 405.00A
- Duty cycle
- 35%
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