Husqvarna TC85 Dirt Bike

Zemst, BE

Collection by appointment

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About this lot

Plus minus 70 driving hours. All wear parts were replaced. In perfect working order. Recently had full maintenance. Includes accessories including 12 tires (2 front tires, 4 sand tires and 6 regular tires), stand, 2 transport stands, tire machine, 6 cans of two-stroke oil, 2 cans of engine oil, air filter cleaning kit, new gears, new brake pads (5), spoke wrench set, extra air filters,... (see photos). Everything in the photos is included.
Lot number:
Zemst, BE
Sold by:
Individual seller

Lot specifications

Attention please!
No visiting times possible. Lots 1169 - 3124 - 3349 - 5302 - 11656 - 16274 were taken offline.
1,810 kg
This is what you can potentially avoid in carbon emissions by buying this item used instead of new.For comparison, an Brussels - Mallorca flight corresponds to 135 kg CO₂e per passenger.

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