Gerard Schäperkötter (Amsterdam, 1914 - 2006) - ORIGINAL, LARGE
- Lot:
- A3-27155-6
- Lokeren, BE
Collection on fixed days
- Current bid
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About this lot
Beautiful large and colourful canvas by Gerard Schäperkötter - attached: catalogue of gallery Hüsstege (s'Hertogenbosch) on the occasion of the exhibition Schäperkötter/ Bemelmans in 1992 - gallery price: € 3,500
- Lot number:
- A3-27155-6
- Location:
- Lokeren, BE
- Sold by:
- Company seller
Lot specifications
- Quantity
- 1
- Margin
- Yes
- Artist
- Gerard Schäperkötter (Amsterdam, 1914 - 2006)
- Title
- Vogels
- Date
- 1990
- Technique
- Olieverf op doek
- Signature/edition
- Yes
- Signed
- Gesigneerd
- Height
- 140cm
- Width
- 160cm
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