Complete barn equipment for 48 white veal calves

Oud Turnhout, BE

Collection by appointment

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- Azobe hardwood slatted floors for 90 m2. 22 pieces of 1m and 8 pieces of 1.2m. Provided for underfloor heating. - Baby playpens/individual pens for 48 calves (galvanized steel) - Intermediate fences and neck tubes: 6 pieces + starting fences 2 pieces = for 8 pens of 6 animals - troughs in stainless steel: 8 pieces provided for automatic feeding (Verberk) - bucket racks + buckets 48 pieces - fan Fancom + control box FC12 - Tubes at the top as storage for baby playpens in accordance with European standard 1.8m2 per animal. will be dismantled by the seller. Excluding deep roughage troughs.
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