Comics (150x)
- Lot:
- A3-26545-40
- Gembloux, BE
Collection on fixed days
- Current bid
- Status
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About this lot
Set of 15 new comic book titles, 10 copies with the title:
Sentimental - 220503443
Ten Women Before Dying - 2731607467
Rodeo in Vegas - 2845530382
Rahan, T3 - 9788468407494
Rahan, T6
Dog Time - 9077001018
Khatedra - 2845650639
The Paradise Thief - 2877643425
The Longship of the Banished - 2877641635
The 4 Deaths of Betty Page - 2872650717
Gord, the Red Snow - 2872650660
Emotion of censorship - 2841531147
The avatars of the Province of Namur - 2873530987
Completely Dogues - 9782872656578
One-way - 2914400047
- Lot number:
- A3-26545-40
- Location:
- Gembloux, BE
- Sold by:
- Company seller
Lot specifications
- Quantity
- 150
- Margin
- No
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