2001 SBM Remax 1218 ED Mobile Crushing Plant

Haarlem, NL

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About this lot

Max. cap. up to 350 t/h; equipped with a weighing installation; track width, 700 mm; "SBM" rotor, ø 1280 mm with bars (with spare parts and bars bars); in 20ft container (inclusive); propulsion by means of electric motors; Afm. Input chute 3000x1200 mm; Grizzly strainer; Breaking process: bunker, cap. 6m3, feed chute with unbalance motors, pre-sieve, crusher, outgoing conveyor, magnetic belt, long over-grain belt, post-screen, delivery belt, 180° degree swivel; incl. 4 binders with technical documentation (operating instructions and list of spare parts); Please note! Seller assists with commissioning and complete machine instruction, for questions or viewing information via fedor@bottelierbv.nl
Watch the video via this link: https://youtu.be/Oxg806YYqtY
Lot number:
Haarlem, NL
Sold by:
Company seller

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