Safe IV / EN 1143
- Auction:
- Tools & Equipment
- Lot:
- A3-25085-3151
- Lokeren, BE
Collection by appointment
- Current bid
- Status
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About this lot
Incl. Kaba AS 283 lock
Multi-walled door and body padded with a special composite
Three-sided locking by means of steel latches
Lock and batten protects with extra armor and passive locking system
Hook-in profile on the hinge side
Equipped as standard with double-bit key lock for class 3 safes, class 4 and 5 standard with double-bit key lock and mechanical code lock
Height-adjustable shelves
Prepared for anchoring
- Auction:
- Tools & Equipment
- Lot number:
- A3-25085-3151
- Location:
- Lokeren, BE
Lot specifications
- Quantity
- 1
- Margin
- Yes
- Model
- 4080
- Color
- Light grey
- Weight
- 315kg
- Length
- 464cm
- Width
- 610cm
- Height
- 600cm
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