Enrico BAJ - BAJ CHEZ PICASSO - MINOTAURE 1969, Lithographs 70x50 cm - Framed . 90x75CM
- Auction:
- Art Gallery - Sculptures, Pop Art, Exclusive Artists, Movie Stars & Automobilia - Delivery BE + NL
- Lot:
- A3-24351-29
- Levering, BE
- Current bid
- Status
Activate Auto-bid
About this lot
- Enrico BAJ - BAJ CHEZ PICASSO - MINOTAURE 1969, Lithographs 70x50 cm - Framed . 90x75CM (estimation)
- From Private Collection
- Lithographs. - Limited edition 30 pcs - signed - Sold Out
- Luxury frame, Exceptional !
- Perfect condition !
- Total Weight +- 8 kg
- Remarks:
- Perfect conditions Luxury white wooden frame
- Auction:
- Art Gallery - Sculptures, Pop Art, Exclusive Artists, Movie Stars & Automobilia - Delivery BE + NL
- Lot number:
- A3-24351-29
- Location:
- Levering, BE
- Sold by:
- Company seller
Lot specifications
- Quantity
- 1
- Margin
- No
- Artist
- Enrico BAJ
- Title
- Enrico BAJ - BAJ CHEZ PICASSO - MINOTAURE 1969, Lithographs 70x50 cm - Framed . 90x75CM
- Date
- 1969
- Technique
- Lithography
- Material
- Lithography
- Signature/edition
- Yes
- Edition
- Limited edition
- Signed
- Signed artwork
Attention please!
Delivery BE + NL: Delivery will take place within 2 to 3 weeks after the closing of this auction. As soon as the goods are on their way, you will receive the track & trace code by e-mail.
No visit time possible.