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1992 Honda Pan european ST 1100 Motorcycle
- Auction:
- Cars & Transportation
- Lot:
- A3-25087-12500
- Zulte, BE
Collection by appointment
Lot closed:
15 Oct 2024 17:54
- Final bid (6)
- €556.00
- Status
Margin lot(This lot is exempt from VAT)
Bids ( 6)
* Table omits intermediate bids between competing auto-bids.
= Auto-bid
Collection Info
Collection Info
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Vavato is not the seller, but auctions as an intermediary on behalf of a third party. This lot is sourced by TBAuctions and can be auctioned on several TBAuctions platforms.
About this lot
Problems with gears
- Auction:
- Cars & Transportation
- Lot number:
- A3-25087-12500
- Location:
- Zulte, BE
- Sold by:
- Individual seller
Lot specifications
- Quantity
- 1
- Margin
- Yes
- Brand
- Honda
- Model
- Pan european ST 1100
- Fuel type
- Benzine
- Chassis number
- SC262103191
- Cylinder capacity
- 1084cc
- First registration date
- 13/02/1992
- Mileage during intake (km)
- 82000km
- Transmission
- Handgeschakeld
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